Early Modern Anxiety

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon , Pablo Picasso, 1907 Oil on Canvas, The Museum of Modern Art Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Andalusia, Spain. Picasso learned art at a very young age as his father was an artist who mentored Picasso and allowed him to travel and study art (Art in Context). During Picasso's time, the world is coming out of the romantic and renaissance period which saw humanism and accuracy in body tones and shape. Advanced knowledge of the human body and math and science have always influenced art, from geometry to the discovery of Pompeii. Picasso received formal training, yet this piece far from represents the lessons of his predecessors. Their painting is of five women at a famous brothel in Barcelona (Art in Context). This painting represents the beginning of an Era. It was an Era where the rules of the previous societies was being thrown out. Picasso isn't representing his subjects in a 3D model with proportionate body parts. The women are fla...